Friday, November 2, 2007

Bored and looking for entertainment....

Today Chris took off to hang out with me and Lyla Brooke because I was sick last night and she has been sick all week. We had to find something to do while our house was being cleaned because I like to leave to get out of the way. We decided to come over to my dad and mom's house and hang out. We watched TV and a movie and then I decided that I wanted to take some pictures of my sweet Lyla Brooke while she was sleeping on daddy . Our camera was at home charging so I had to find my mom and dad's camera. I found the camera as well as some other fun things that they had stashed away in their drawers. I found these fun 80's glasses that my mom had as well as a pair of sunglasses that were mine and my sisters from the 80's as well. I was so bored that I decided to put them on and suprise my husband who was asleep with the baby on the couch. He loved the new look!

1 comment:

Dee-Dee said...

I swear I had a pair of glasses just like your mom's in the 80's - as a child, though. How terrible is that? I call them my goggles now when I see myself in them in pictures. So funny. I wish I still had mine...(I've worn glasses since I was 4 - no child should have to endure the goggles - kids have it so much better these days...)