Thursday, December 18, 2008

Move over Elmo I am getting in!!!

Lulu loves to ride in her car with Elmo. She likes to be pushed around and around the house for as long as you will allow her.

Our First Christmas on Braxton Bend Drive.

Our gingerbread house.. Chris made that ugly big white blob in the center.. he messed it up
What it looks like... What is is SUPPOSED to look like
LuLu and Nana at the Christmas Tree
Chris sampling the icing
MMMM smells go yummy!
The contents
LuLu stealing some water while Daddy has his back turned
LuLu helping put up the tree
This year is our first Christmas in our new house!!! I was so excited and ready to get the Christmas decorations out. We put the tree up on Dec. 6th covered in Sesame Street ornaments ( which I said I would never do.. NEVER SAY NEVER) , we hung the stocking by the fireplace and even made our first ever gingerbread house. Chris and I had so much fun making the gingerbread house. It looked nothing like the display on the box but we laughed and enjoyed each other so much in the hour we spent making it. Lyla Brooke loves the lights on the tree and will stand back, point and say "ooohhhh or wow" . She wants to show everyone the tree and will run over to it stomp , squeal and point . She is so excited about it all. I let her pick some ornaments at Macey's to make the tree a little more special for her, and of course she wanted the "MOMO" ( elmo) ones. When we got them home and attempted to put them on the tree she cried. I do not think that she understood that they were not toys, and she wanted to hold them and would stand at the bottom of the tree and cry . Finally, she got over the fact that they were out of reach and she is now ok with viewing them from a distance. She has done really well with not touching the " TEE" as she calls it. I was very proud and surprised at how well she has done with leaving it alone. However, I did go downstairs during her nap this morning to clean up her toys and I found a Big Bird ornament in the back of her Little Tikes Ride in car.... sneaky sneaky. I will be sad when this time of year is over because I love the look of excitement in her eyes when we go in a shop with holiday decorations and I see her face light up , or when we drive by a house with lights outside and she squeals and yells because she is so happy to see the "dogs" aka reindeer. I just love this season and wish it could last all year long.

Mega Blocks Wagon AKA Transportation

Grandad pushing Lulu across the floor. Notice the smile.
Sully and Lulu

Daddy pulling Lulu in the pink wagon

Mom and Dad ( Grandad and Nana) have a mega blocks wagon for Lulu to fill up and pull around.. looks like it has now become her newest means of transportation. It was all fun and games until she flipped backwards.. guess that it why it is not meant to climb in... they do put those warnings for a reason.

Cuddle Time

Chris loves to cuddle with Lulu but most of the time she is not keen on the idea. Notice in all the pictures how she is pushing him away .. she is wild.

Cheesecake Factory and Santa Trip

The Pottery Barn St Jude bear , My sister , Lulu, Me and Chris
Munching on bread from the Cheesecake Factory
Christopher and Me ( he looks so happy huh?)
Sweet Lulu in her Yugoslavia Christmas dress
Austin and April

This was the second year that we have taken LuLu to see Santa at the Green Hills Mall. This year I was really worried that she would freak out when we tried to sit her on his lap. She has been VERY clingy to me and cries when I am out of her sight most all the time. Chris took her up to Santa and she looked at him a little funny but then went right to him and sat on his lab without a peep. Even Santa commented on how good she was .. I guess this is abnormal for a 15 month old. I wish that I had a scanner so that I could post her picture with Santa on this blog because she is smiling and has her hand clinched around one of this fingers.. SO CUTE!! She was wearing the cutest smocked gingerbread dress ( that her Dad hated and that April's boyfriend thought was a fall dress because it was brown and white checked) they do not know fashion She looked ADORABLE! Before we went to meet Santa we had a yummy lunch at the Cheesecake Factory and for the record she did not cry . There is some kind of bad vibe she gets from that place because every time we go there she usually screams the whole time.

8 Things

8 things I've done today:
1. Woke up at 6 am to my sweet baby girl
2. Washed my husbands work clothes
3. Ate at Chick Fil A and Logan's w/ Lulu , Mom and Dad
4. Wished my husband was not working late...AGAIN!
5. Cleaned up pancakes and milk off the floor
6. Bought three new ELMO movies to fuel the obsession
7. Watched Lyla Brooke run and play with other kids at the mall on the playground
8. Shopped with my mom
8 things I watch:
2. My neighbors glorious Christmas yard display.. Lyla Brooke loves it
3. My husband hold Lyla Brooke and pray
4. Survivor!!!!
5. My husband grow to be such a Godly man more and more each day
6. The Elf every Christmas... I love that movie
7. The Hills
8. Mamas Boys ( we are new fans!! )
8 things I wish for:
1. Good health for my family
2. More time in the day to spend with my babies big and little
3. That is was May so that I could be in Jamaica with my amazing husband celebrating his 30th bday
4. A clean car and that it would stay that way
5. That I could be more Christ like
6. That I did not have to work
7. That I could be on Survivor and win
8. For everyone to go to heaven
8 things I look forward to
1. Heaven
2. Thursday Chik -Fil -A day with Mom and LuLu
3. Getting off at work at night and coming home to my sweet family
4. Titans games
5. Lulu's face and sweet smile.. Oh how I love my baby !!
6. Alone time w/ my husband
7. Holidays with my family!
8. The new People magazine every week.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Toy Basket or should I say Lyla Brooke's newest play spot

Lyla Brooke's newest adventure is climbing in the toy basket, throwing all the toys on the floor and then climbing out. SHe is so into climbing these days if it is off the ground she wants on it. She has climbed up the baby gate while holding on with her hands, the stairs, into chairs ( her favorite is the extra dangerous rocking chair in her bedroom that she loves to climb in and stand up to get books off the shelf ... broken arm waiting to happen), the end tables, the crib... you name it she climbs it.

" Mo Mo" obsessed

Lyla Brooke all of the sudden started to love Elmo or Mo Mo as she calls him. I am not sure where that all came from or why she started to like him so much. She has his movies, dolls, books and of course the above house slippers. It was really funny because we were shopping for house cleaning products one day a few weeks ago and I was holding her as I was gathering up what I needed. We walked by an isle and she kept saying MoMo, Mo Mo and pointing. I looked down and saw these sweet little Elmo house shoes and knew that she would love them and after all she did pick them out. She is so funny because if she sees them sitting out at home and she does not have them on her feet she will pick them up, sit down and try to put them on her feet. She gets so happy when I come to help her put them on. After they are on she will sit and point to her feet and say Mo Mo over and over. Oh and yes she does have a Boo Boo in her mouth and I know it was not bed time.... wonder where she got that?

Halloween 2008

Lyla Brooke w/ Sugar - Chrispin's baby
Digging in the candy bucket at Mamaw and James' house
Back in the bucket again.. this is my favorite picture look at her sweet little hand
James, Lyla Brooke and Mamaw on the front porch at their house
Not sure why she was making this face but it was cute
Lyla Brooke and the pumpkin
Mamaw pointing to the pumpkin in the picture above
Lyla Brooke walked up to the porch of Mamaw's house and started banging on the screen door
Scarecrow that scared her at Donn and Michelle's house
Little bitty finger pointing to something
Begging for candy
She was saying " bye bye " in this picture... she was ready to move on to the next house
Donn, Michelle and Lyla Brooke
Me and my sweet fairy angel
Michelle hugging Lyla Brooke as she was pointing to the scarecrow
Looking off the deck at Donn and Michelle's house
Fairy Lyla Brooke carrying her Halloween bucket

This year Lyla Brooke was a fairy for Halloween. She looked so cute and the weather was great. We just made a few stops at house of family and friends. I did not take near enough pictures but there are just enough to see that she had a blast!

Just get on the floor and do the NEW KIDS dance...

Yes, we were so close during the Dirty Dancing Swayze song

Please dont go girl.....

Me with my NKOTB shirt
Me and April at the concert
Jonathan with the huge robot

At the hotel prior to the concert
Me and April
Chris in the hotel

Chris and Jonathan on the way to Atlanta.. they just watched movies the entire way.

In October my sister and I traveled to Atlanta along with my husband and a friend to see the New Kids on the Block concert. It was amazing to be able to see and hear them again after all these years. I remember dancing in the playroom while they were singing away on our " boom box" via cassette tape!! How time FLIES! We had a great time in Atlanta, had AWSOME seats and loved every second of hearing our childhood band back in action! It is a memory that I will always cherish... and too bad they do not come to Nashville so we can see them again.