Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Black Friday.

This was the second year that my sister and I braved the crowds, got two hours of sleep and shopped until we dropped! We had such a great time and this year we were fortunate enough to have my Dad join us. Our day started at 3:30 am and we were at Walmart by 4:00 am ready to grab those $3.00 movies ( what a steal). Walmart was a little crazy and they would not let anyone grab any of the sale items until 5 am. We waited patiently by the movies as we made a new friend, caught up on some girl talk that even my Dad joined in on, and longed for Starbucks! It was so early! After we left Walmart we were able to grab some Starbucks before we headed to Toys R US. I was going there for a Baby Einstein Christmas DVD that was on sale for Lyla Brooke, but when we got there the line was wrapped all the way to the back of the store. I decided that I would not wait in the line to save six bucks. On our way out I ran into some friends who were shopping for their daughter they were so sweet and bought the DVD for me so that I could still get the good deal without standing in the line! After Toys R US we went to Target, LifeWay, Dick's Sporting Goods, Old Navy, Staples , Academy and were at the mall by 9:30 !I got some good deals and cannot wait until Christmas to give them out!

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