Thursday, December 18, 2008

Our First Christmas on Braxton Bend Drive.

Our gingerbread house.. Chris made that ugly big white blob in the center.. he messed it up
What it looks like... What is is SUPPOSED to look like
LuLu and Nana at the Christmas Tree
Chris sampling the icing
MMMM smells go yummy!
The contents
LuLu stealing some water while Daddy has his back turned
LuLu helping put up the tree
This year is our first Christmas in our new house!!! I was so excited and ready to get the Christmas decorations out. We put the tree up on Dec. 6th covered in Sesame Street ornaments ( which I said I would never do.. NEVER SAY NEVER) , we hung the stocking by the fireplace and even made our first ever gingerbread house. Chris and I had so much fun making the gingerbread house. It looked nothing like the display on the box but we laughed and enjoyed each other so much in the hour we spent making it. Lyla Brooke loves the lights on the tree and will stand back, point and say "ooohhhh or wow" . She wants to show everyone the tree and will run over to it stomp , squeal and point . She is so excited about it all. I let her pick some ornaments at Macey's to make the tree a little more special for her, and of course she wanted the "MOMO" ( elmo) ones. When we got them home and attempted to put them on the tree she cried. I do not think that she understood that they were not toys, and she wanted to hold them and would stand at the bottom of the tree and cry . Finally, she got over the fact that they were out of reach and she is now ok with viewing them from a distance. She has done really well with not touching the " TEE" as she calls it. I was very proud and surprised at how well she has done with leaving it alone. However, I did go downstairs during her nap this morning to clean up her toys and I found a Big Bird ornament in the back of her Little Tikes Ride in car.... sneaky sneaky. I will be sad when this time of year is over because I love the look of excitement in her eyes when we go in a shop with holiday decorations and I see her face light up , or when we drive by a house with lights outside and she squeals and yells because she is so happy to see the "dogs" aka reindeer. I just love this season and wish it could last all year long.

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