8 things I've done today:
1. Woke up at 6 am to my sweet baby girl
2. Washed my husbands work clothes
3. Ate at Chick Fil A and Logan's w/ Lulu , Mom and Dad
4. Wished my husband was not working late...AGAIN!
5. Cleaned up pancakes and milk off the floor
6. Bought three new ELMO movies to fuel the obsession
7. Watched Lyla Brooke run and play with other kids at the mall on the playground
8. Shopped with my mom
8 things I watch:
2. My neighbors glorious Christmas yard display.. Lyla Brooke loves it
3. My husband hold Lyla Brooke and pray
4. Survivor!!!!
5. My husband grow to be such a Godly man more and more each day
6. The Elf every Christmas... I love that movie
7. The Hills
8. Mamas Boys ( we are new fans!! )
8 things I wish for:
1. Good health for my family
2. More time in the day to spend with my babies big and little
3. That is was May so that I could be in Jamaica with my amazing husband celebrating his 30th bday
4. A clean car and that it would stay that way
5. That I could be more Christ like
6. That I did not have to work
7. That I could be on Survivor and win
8. For everyone to go to heaven
8 things I look forward to
1. Heaven
2. Thursday Chik -Fil -A day with Mom and LuLu
3. Getting off at work at night and coming home to my sweet family
4. Titans games
5. Lulu's face and sweet smile.. Oh how I love my baby !!
6. Alone time w/ my husband
7. Holidays with my family!
8. The new People magazine every week.